Where does one start? There were eight of us. From the Lleyn club: Malcolm Wreely, Wreely Roberts, Paul “Grab a rock” Williams, Ruth Cloudy Creek Williams (honorary Lleyn member) and myself Hugh “This looks like my drink” Evans. From the Gwynedd Club: Mags “Pass the bucket” and Simon “just get him in the water” Morley , Ann “Show me your mussels” Wood and Martin “A” flag. We were to spend seven days diving the waters around Oban in Sea Wasp (Lleyn RIB) and Nikita (Gwynedd RIB).
Simon Morley was expedition leader and gave us the best 6 days diving one could ask for, despite many problems. We got four wrecks: Thesis, Rondo, Shuna and Breda along with “drop offs” to die for.
A few highlights for publishing.
I thought I had seen a master in action when I saw Alan Harper Smith in Grand Canaria buy his digital camera. But Alan’s technique was nothing compared with Malcolm buying a shiny new umbilical cord diving torch. For six evenings, after diving, while we were getting the bottles refilled, he was bargaining with the dive shop owner. The owner finally so confused by the whole episode, allowed Malcolm to take the torch home with the promise of a cheque in the post.
Driving down the M6 at the end of the holiday we realised the value of doing Club expeditions and also mixing with other clubs. We couldn’t have had a better time.