Wave Shape
Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Dorothea on 4th May

A nice leisurely start to the day meeting 11am at NWIDC with no one there, and amazingly no other divers throughout the day. The original plan was for Andrew & Brett to be the designated body’s for Irfon & Peter Advance Diver training but on arrival David suggested Brett also did some Dive Ledger training, honestly Brett it wasnt planned.

First Dive : AS ascents from 20 metres to 6m for Irfon & Peter, text book perfect, as you would expect from experienced instructors going for AD, but impressive nevertheless. Followed by DL AS from 15metres to 6m for Brett, both as donor & recipient, with Andrew as the body, one good, one so so, as you might expect from someone who hadn’t tried this exercise for some time.

Diver Rescue scenario for Irfon as part of his AD, with Andrew and Brett as the diving pair and Peter and David as the potential helpers, David for the shore work, Peter to help in the water.

Second Dive : CBL from 20m to 6m. Irfon’s was spot on but Peter’s was aborted a few metres early, as it seemed to David that Irfon had problems. It turned out that Peter’s gauge had clouded up and he couldn’t see what the depth was , and so simply guessed it !! In the resulting confusion Brett’s CBL was not observed but Andrew and Brett both assured David that it was perfect??

Peter and Irfon confirmed as having qualified as AD’s with Peter to plan and organize a day expedition later in the summer to complement his organization of the Lanzarote trip.

Brett nearly there as a DL.

David & Andrew

Wednesday May 20th, Gimblet Outfall pipe.

It was agreed by myself and David on the Tuesday that we had to try and get out on the following Wednesday as the season was failing miserably to get started. We stuck with the plan of visiting Gimblet.

No one else called in so we both decided that it would be worth a go, even though the forcast was marginal. There was a slight swell at Gimblet and a hanfull of fishermen to boot, but this didn’t deter us. We managed a 40 minute dive on a mixed bed of coarse shingle, sand, gravel and lastly an exposed area of mud and clay. Sealife was abundant with many of the usual critters making an appearance. The viz was a good 5-7m and the sea temperature was a balmy 12 degrees.


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