Wave Shape
Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Wednesday 4th October 2011. Vivian Quarry.

The sea being ruled out yet again, the six stalwarts who from “The Lleyn Sub Aqua Club eel appreciation society” decided to dive Vivian Quarry, yet again!! Brett, Nia, Irfon, Andrew, myself and Kirk (don’t worry Kirk hasn’t lost it, he was over in Bangor visiting family and couldn’t resist a club dive and the oportunity to introduce his lovely wife, Fay.)

We all met at 17.30 at the dive site. A combination of poor vis ,and the lack of light made it more interesting! In fact Brett and Nia did 45 mins, Kirk and Mike did 50 mins, Irfon and Andrew won with 56 mins. As we came out of the water there were 6 divers from another club just going in on a night dive. It,s better than not diving; we saw 5 eels.

We then retired to the Glyntwrog pub to de-brief, and off gas. Brett instructed us on how to pick up an adder and other tales of a mis-spent youth. Mike Duke.

Sunday 2nd October 2011. North Coast.

After failing to manage a single outing in the sea in September, but having good turnouts for all of the Sunday & Wednesday dives at the quarries, you might have thought that there would be a bit of a clamour for a trip out on the boat. Seems though that everyone knew something that the four of us who did turn out had forgotten, namely that after a week of big Spring tides it’s usually badly stirred up. So we had a very fast drift over some very impressive reefs in almost total darkness with about a metre viz. We did fleetingly see a few interesting fish, including Andrew’s first red gurnard, but most were hunkered down in crannies in the reef. No one was interested in repeating the exercise so we were out of the water by lunchtime. The best thing we did see was a seal playing with a big seabass that it had caught, but we only caught that because Mickey had to stop the boat to put his glasses on! DJ

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