Wave Shape
Wave Shape


Wave Shape


Despite the gruesome weather conditions there was quite a turnout for the first club dive of the season. Just as well that the newly elected BSAC National Coach for Wales happened to be present to see for himself that the rumours were true about Llyn Sub-Aqua Club being such a fine example of a local branch.

Members present on the day fell into the following categories:

1.) Hardcore (better known as the “divers” – David H., Irfon, Carl, Brian, Wyn, David J. and David Bell, the VIP)
2.) Semi-dry suit nutter (in Peter’s absence, Dyfed on his own)
3.) Softies providing the shore cover (Hugh, Mickey, Chris Green, Neil and Anja)

Apart from getting hypothermia in water temperatures of 5 degrees, the plan was to do some dive leader training. David H. was buddied up with Irfon who thought that it was a good day for testing out whether an undersuit was something that was actually required for the forthcoming season or something that could be sold on Ebay and the funds re-invested in caravan essentials.

With Carl’s proven track record of not cracking under pressure, he was paired up with Dave B., the National Coach who indicated that his preferred dive plan was to go straight to the pub. Wyn became Brian’s buddy who, by doing an underwater pressure test on his suit – with him in it – found out that his wrist seals may not last the season. The things some people come up with to save water at home…Last but not least there were David J. and Dyfed who was determined to demonstrate how manly men can be by going into the water in a semi-dry suit. Just for future reference, Dyfed if you really want to impress, loose the second layer, you wimp!

All the boys had chilled to the bone dives lasting between 25-35 minutes. There were reports of an oversized trout and a fat frog being seen along the way. DSMBs were launched with some being a bit perkier than others, not that size matters, of course!

Debriefs were done in the pub where we gave the National Coach the opportunity to elaborate on how impressed he was with the BSAC 1809 branch. And, just for the record, the pints we bought him had absolutely nothing to with that.


Sunday 7th March Boat Handling Course, Tudor Lodge.

After several false starts, where someone or other had been unable to make it, all eight boat handling trainees (Dave H, Brian, Jon, Richard, Julie and recently joined members, Mo, Kirk & Dyfed) met up at Tudor Lodge on a beautiful Sunday morning in early March for a full day of theory training. It transpired that we actually had only six genuine trainees, as Dyfed had done an RYA course some years ago and Brian had earned his living as a lobster fisherman for 20 years or so. But, like all of us, he still needs that certificate. The main lessons were given by Irfon, Robin & Dewi, while Mickey was good enough to bring his rib over for the walk around familiarization, during which the trainees learnt such gems of information as which was the pointy end. I therefore had it easy in only having to cover knots and the voyage planning exercise.

Many thanks to all of the Instructors and to Carl & Anja for providing such a suitable venue. It is planned to complete the practical in-water sessions during the Spring, in groups of 2 or 3 trainees. The first session went ahead on the following Wednesday with Dave & Dyfed both doing fine.


Club Welcomes New & Returning Members

Kirk Daniel from Telford. He is BSAC trained sports diver and has an assistant instructor qualification.

Dyfed Williams from Llaniestyn. He is PADI qualified with the BSAC equivalent of a dive leader. Our sympathies.

Anna Meyerratken returns from Penrhos, Pwllheli, to get qualified.

Thursday 21st January 2010

Artlcle in the Caernarfon and Denbigh Herald regarding the Try Dive evening held by the Club.

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