A new lecture venue and a really good one, thanks to Peter for his dining room and for the refreshments thanks to his wife. All six trainees were able to attend; Wyn, Irfon, Dewi, Sue, Peter and Cathy. Neil gave the 1st lecture: Diving Equipment and Dive Signals, Hugh gave the second The Body and Effects of Diving. Refreshments were served to fuel the metabolism. Then the trainees bravely volunteered to do a third lecture on Planning to go Diving given by David. The next group of lectures will probably take place at the same venue in two weeks time (6th March).
The Dive leader training group met at Neil’s place of work in Minffordd. Neil had been able to get the ResusiAnnies which enabled the group to complete the Cardio pulmonary Resuscitation and the Use of Oxygen administration Equipment lessons with some semblance of realism. Lesson 10 on Helicopter operations was lead by Lee and given from the pilot’s point of view.
Quite a gang of members turned up to sample the waters of Vivian Quarry. First there was the main reason for being there, the Dive Leader “Delayed SMB” training for Mick G and Arwyn, David and Hugh instructing. Then there was the dunking of the the new members Peter and Robin which was done by Malcolm, Neil and Mike D. Minor problems beset the former group and the training will have to be repeated. The latter group did the full monty and really got their money’s worth. Robin got some really interested glances from passing females divers who noted his exceptionally low crutched dry suit, while he was in it! They knew as we did that nature abhors a vacuum.
The pool is getting quite full. It is becoming quite difficult to hold a conversation at the shallow end! We had two more try divers. Wyn and Louise who were given a spin by Malcolm and David. Both did very well. Wyn obviously knew Malcolm’s diving reputation and could be seen praying under water.
Back at the Vic Hotel we were treated to sandwiches and chips on the house courtesy of Liz Stephenson, the hotel owner.
A meeting for potential new members was held at the Leisure Centre go over, the cost of, joining the club, and of the diving equipment along with the details of BSAC and the Club. Present were Irfon, Dewi, Sarah, Hayley, Robert, Craig, Catherine, Ian. along with Mike Duke, Neil Rawlinson, David Jones and Hugh Evans.
Thanks to an excellent promotion of the Club and its Try Dive evening by Sarah M Jones of the Caernarfon & Denbigh Herald, we were almost overwhelmed by the response. We had three Try Divers; Cathy, Robert and Craig, all of whom did extremely well and seemed to enjoy the experience. We were also joined by Sarah and later by Hayley and Peter. All three have diving qualifications. Peter has a BSAC 3rd Class Diver qualification which some of our older members will remember. Arwyn, the Caernarfon & Denbigh Herald Photographer came over and took pictures of the event, so order your copy now.
We had an excellent Apres Deifio at the Vic Hotel which gave the potential new members a chance to see what the club members looked like fully clothed. Not much improvement, was the feeling! However thanks to all members involved for making it such a success.
There will be a futher Try Dive evening next Wednesday 19th January to give a Try dive to four more who are interested. It is hoped that members will again rally round.
Two o’clock at Vivian. The rain was coming down with a vengence. We were there because Lee and Gwyn had to do their Dive Leading Practice with Hugh and David the as instructors/Trainee open water divers. Gwyn missed out last time because of ear clearing problems and Lee was one practical behid because of illness. The briefing was done in the luxury of the new changing room out of the elements. What more could one want.
Points that came out of the debriefing:
a. Taking a trainee diving is a tremendous responsibility.
b. It is very easy to over estimate the ability of the trainee.
c. The opportunity for a trainee to make mistake must be strictly controlled.
d. Diving is exploring, investigating and seeing, rather than going from A to B.
A lot of learning took place. It was a very good experience. Well done to both candidates.
We received a lot of coverage and an excellent writeup for the Club in the 6th January South edition of the Caernarfon & Denbigh Herald. It was in anticipation of our Try Dive evening on the 12th January. Mick Griffith (now Club Press Sec!) and his partner Sue intitiated the interest from Sarah Marion Jones and the rest is history.
It was the full compliment that arrived at Neil & Nikki’s house raring to go. Thirsting for knowledge or was it the coffee. Another three theory lectures nearly completed. CPR, Oxygen Administration Equipment and Oxygen Administration in Practice. We finished early and made for Pete’s Eats, where the conversation was varied and adult. Malcolm naturally was present.
Afterwards at Vivian Quarry Arwyn and Mick did the Dive leader practice practical. Gwyn had ear problems and had to abort. Lee had with the Dive Leading Demonstration. We actually left the quarry at the same time that we had started diving the week before.